Collection: Magazines

Our triannual magazine Canadian Children’s Book News and the semi-annual Best Books for Kids & Teens selection guide are designed to help parents, librarians and educators discover the world of Canadian books and to help them to select the best reading material for young readers.
9 products
  • Best Books for Kids & Teens, Spring 2024
    Best Books for Kids & Teens, Spring 2024
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  • Canadian Children’s Book News, Spring 2024
    Canadian Children’s Book News, Spring 2024
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  • Canadian Children’s Book News, Winter 2023/2024
    Canadian Children’s Book News, Winter 2023/2024
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  • Best Books for Kids & Teens, Fall 2023
    Best Books for Kids & Teens, Fall 2023
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  • Canadian Children’s Book News, Spring 2023
    Canadian Children’s Book News, Spring 2023
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  • Best Books for Kids & Teens, Spring 2023
    Best Books for Kids & Teens, Spring 2023
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  • Canadian Children’s Book News, Summer/Fall 2023
    Canadian Children’s Book News, Summer/Fall 2023
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  • Best Books for Kids & Teens, Fall 2022
    Best Books for Kids & Teens, Fall 2022
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